Yaniv Nikankin


I’m a CS graduate student at the Weizmann Institute Of Science, where I’m advised by Prof. Michal Irani. My research interests revolve around Deep Learning and studying the properties and internals of neural networks, with a focus on memorization and unlearning.

Prior to that, I’ve worked as a software engineer in industry and received my B.Sc in Compuer science.



  1. deconstructing.png
    Deconstructing Data Reconstruction: Multiclass, Weight Decay and General Losses
    Gon Buzaglo, Niv Haim, Gilad Yehudai, Gal Vardi, Yakir Oz, Yaniv Nikankin, and Michal Irani
    In NeurIPS, 2023
  2. sinfusion.gif
    SinFusion: Training Diffusion Models on a Single Image or Video
    Yaniv Nikankin, Niv Haim, and Michal Irani
    In ICML, 2023